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Hi! I'm Emily,

Neurodivergent Writer, Coach and Artist

Welcome to The Neurodivergent Well! I’m Emily, a queer, neurodivergent science writer, artist, and integration coach. 


I’m passionate about exploring the unique aspects of neurodivergent well-being, through the lens of science, personal experience and the shared wisdom of the neurodivergent community. My work is informed by my background in scientific analysis, training in mindfulness, and passion for  creativity, along with the lived experience of being a queer, late diagnosed, high masking autistic and ADHD person with PDA, anxiety, trauma and chronic pain. I bring all of this into my work to support and offer insight to those navigating neurodivergence. Let's discover together what it means to live fully and joyfully, embracing the diversity of our minds.


Read on to learn a little bit more about me, my experience, education, and areas of expertise, so you know where my perspectives are coming from. 


(TLDR at end for accessibility)

About Emily 


Background in Scientific Research


My educational background and PhD is in the philosophy of science, with focus on the psychology of well-being. During my 10 years of academic study, I not only rigorously researched well-being and its correlates, but I also dove deep into the underlying principles of what makes something scientific, and how new and underdeveloped areas of science and psychology emerge.


Professionally, I channeled my passion for science and wellness into a career as a science journalist - continuing to focus on underdeveloped areas of science aimed at improving personal well-being. This role has allowed me to stay up to date with scientific discoveries, while honing my ability to communicate complex ideas in accessible ways. One of my deep passions is in investigating areas of science that are frequently misunderstood because they are still underdeveloped, or because they deal with a topic that is so stigmatized that bias becomes a frequent problem in the scientific work itself. Nothing has brought me as much joy as engaging with a community of readers eager to understand themselves and the world more deeply.


Training in Compassion & Creativity Based Skills 


My love for science is just one part of me. I have spent a lot of time and focus on developing skills in mindfulness, compassion and creativity - which the science also confirms contribute to well-being. 


Because I love helping others to discover these aspects of wellbeing, I’ve spent many years doing mindfulness based wellness education and coaching. To support this, I immersed myself in Karuna Training, a three-year program in contemplative psychology, where I later joined the faculty. This mindfulness and compassion based method for working with emotions and supporting others emerged from Tibetan Buddhist thought being blended with contemporary psychology. 


I followed this by getting a certification in the Embodied Wonderment Method through the School of Reverence. Embodied Wonderment is a compassion centered approach, grounded in integration practices that weave together elements of science, ritual, community, nature, and playfulness


This training was transformative, offering a trauma informed, intersectionality informed, neurodiversity affirming lens. I felt totally at home in this program, which was created by Anie Boudreau, a queer, Enby, neurodivergent human (who is one of the kindest, most joyful people I’ve encountered). I feel confident offering it to others both because I’ve found working with it personally has been game-changing for me - and because it was created by a neurodivergent person to be accessible for neurodivergent people - unlike so many methodologies that were created by neurotypical people for neurotypical people, or to make us more like them. 


I also love it because it centers around noticing what brings more joy and feeding those passions – something that the science suggests is particularly helpful for neurodivergent brains.


Hobbies and Special Interests


In my personal life, I find joy in creating art of all kinds, spending time with trusted loved ones, playing with my son, immersing myself in nature, practicing meditation and agnostic pagan spirituality, researching special interests, dancing and moving mindfully, playing board games and RPG's, listening to online debates, and being captivated by stories in books, TV series and social media. 


Why I Started The Neurodivergent Well 


Since my discovery that I am AuDHD, I've been focusing all my skills and energy on understanding neurodivergence. I am delving deeply into the science, the personal perspectives shared in online spaces, and the tools and methods offered for living a more fulfilling life when you have atypical neurotypes. The result has been life-changing. My life has improved. My anxiety has decreased. My ability to reduce my most challenging symptoms has gotten monumentally better. I'm also still learning and growing, and discovering more and more about my own neurodivergent identity.  


All of this has led me here, to share what I've learned with other neurodivergent folks - so that we can continue to learn together. 


In this space, I will share insights, research, and reflections on neurodivergence and what it means to find wellness, all through the lens of my personal and professional experiences, the scientific research, and what I’ve learned from other neurodivergent people. 


Whether you're here seeking understanding, support or insight into the research, I hope to offer a perspective that resonates with you.


Thank you for joining me on this journey.



Please Keep in Mind: I am not a psychologist, and my coaching is NOT therapy, counseling, or any kind of medical or psychological advice.



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  • Queer, neurodivergent writer and coach 

  • Lived experience as a high-masking late diagnosed AuDHD'r with PDA, anxiety, trauma & chronic pain

  • PhD in philosophy of science focused on the psychology of wellbeing and analyzing underdeveloped areas of science and psychology for cohesion with scientific methodologies 

  • Trained in compassion and contemplative psychology (3 year program with Karuna Training) 

  • Certified in Embodied Wonderment Method (through School of Reverence) 

  • Professional science journalist 

  • Special interests in wellness, psychology, art, and neurodivergence

  • Not a therapist, counselor or clinician 

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